Eagleville Hospital

Rating: 3.6   (5)


  • Addiction
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Drug Abuse
  • Drug Addiction
  • Intervention center
  • Medical Detox
  • Substance Abuse

Payment Options

  • American Express
  • Cash or self-payment
  • Check
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Accepted Insurances

  • Most Insurances


Eagleville Hospital, is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment rehab in Eagleville, Pennsylvania. Focusing on changing the lives of those affected by drug and alcohol addiction, the addiction counselors at Eagleville Hospital aim to do everything in their power to make their patients feel comfortable in their newfound surroundings and provide them with the most effective treatment possible.

Treating all addictions, as well as underlying psychological disorders that may have contributed to the birth of the addiction, is paramount when being treated at a high-quality drug and alcohol rehab in Eagleville, Pennsylvania. This, amongst other reasons, is why Eagleville Hospital offers certain treatment approaches that have been proven to work. These treatment approaches may include: Personalized Treatment Plan. Addiction treatment options are available to 18+ and Eagleville Hospital accepts specific insurances, such as: Most Insurances.

It's important to strive in helping those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction to build a solid foundation for a renewed and improved future. Despite the severity of an addict's addiction, recovery is possible. With the proper treatment plan in place, addiction treatment patients can accomplish all of their goals and more. Get in touch with Eagleville Hospital by visiting their website at www.eaglevillehospital.org to get started.

Contact Details

+1(800) 255-2019
100 Eagleville Road,Β  Eagleville,Β  PennsylvaniaΒ  19403

Google Reviews

  5.0   3 years ago

After two months in the facility, I can say it was one of the best experiences of my life. Recovery is truly dependent on the individual. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Eagleville is well equipped to deal with every level of patient care (mental, physical and emotional.) What people fail to realize is that this is rehab, it is not meant to be a glorious hotel stay. The facility provided everything a patient would need and more as far as "lodging" and meals. The unit I was on provided ample group and individual counseling as well as meetings both unit run and outside speaker meetings. I would recommend Eagleville to anyone who is looking to seek recovery and change their lives. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. I'm forever grateful to the staff, and community at Eagleville for making my time there the most beneficial to my own self changes and future recovery.

  5.0   3 years ago

This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. A loving and caring staff, great food, and informational classes. Arnstein is the best unit off campus but In a beautiful setting.

  5.0   3 years ago

This is an amazing facility. The amount of sobriety and recovery that walks out of this hospital every day is nothing short of impressive. Caring and compassionate professionals support and teach residents how to move forward with their lives without drugs and alcohol. Weekly whole hospital meetings provide leadership, information and give public support to those who have worked hard, leaving everyone feeling inspired. Recovery is a journey. This facility, their staff and administrators Go With You On The Journey as you find your way in recovery. Amazing!

  5.0   3 years ago

Eagleville changed my life. Of course, every recovery is different and dependent on the individual, but everything about the rehab is great. The campus is beautiful, the food is great, and the staff are all there to make a difference in peoples lives. After three years clean, I am a testament to the process. Thank you!! 10/10 recommendation.

  5.0   4 years ago

Great place for detox and rehab, medically managed with meds as needed. It's difficult to stay sober, but if you work the program, and have a therapist to talk to, stay away from old contacts, and delete those phone numbers, it's very possible, and if you add your higher power (Mine is Jesus), it's not as hard....I did it so you can too!!!!πŸ€— Take that bed and start your journey!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€

  5.0   4 years ago

What can I say after 16 treatment facilities this place saved my life!!!!!the staff especially the techs were great...and yes u can find drugs at any and I do mean any rehab...it's all about what you really want for yourself but hands down I would send anyone I love here that needed help.i know they would be given the best chance of success here anyone who claims they were mis treated needs to grow up and realize that being lazy in treatment gets you high basically

  5.0   4 years ago

This was the only rehab I like out of the 3 rehabs I have been to . Every rehab has drama, drugs and rules so your experience at Eagleville Hospital will be great if you don't get involved with drama and if you don't gossip, don't do drugs and follow the rules. Eagleville has a very big campus with alot of people.The only thing I struggle with is how early you have to be up and how many meetings you have to attend and how frequently they are. Eagleville is a great place to start your recovery. -Jenny

  5.0   4 years ago

The complaints here make me laugh. It begins with the patient that must want help. You can find drugs at any rehab if you look. If you don't go to group? or get out of bed for yourself, it is not the rehab fault. The client is actually not abiding by the contract they signed. 5 star food. 5 star interaction with clients and exercise almost 3 hours a day if you want it. I gained 5 lbs a day for 15 days with 3 hours of volleyball a day, had art added to my treatment plan so I could sketch during group allowing me to focus on the speaker and not the woman or joking around. You reap what you sow. Outside meetings often if you want it. Loved it and even got an extension.

  3.0   4 years ago

This place is great, but They would not even let us outside. Detox was good, and staff was great.

  4.0   4 years ago

Nothing but positive. Eagleville is what you want it to be. Great staff. Caring counselors and therapists. Id give it a 5 star but im used to sleeping in a king size bed!

  5.0   4 years ago


  5.0   4 years ago

Great place, clean and sober is the best way to LIVE

  5.0   5 years ago

Eagleville is a great place! I have nothing but positive things to say about this program! I only wish I had went there sooner!! Thank you eagleville!!!

  5.0   5 years ago

I met some awesome people during my stay at eagleville hospital. The staff was great, and I'm proud to say I've stayed clean since I left. On March 16 I'll have one year clean! If your debating on going, take the step and go! I never thought I'd be where I am today and I can't thank the staff at eagleville enough!

  5.0   5 years ago

They were so caring and sympathetic. I am eternally grateful. Truly fantastic center

  5.0   5 years ago

Best care I've EVER received in a Detox Unit! Medical staff were professional, knowledgeable, caring and sympathetic...counselors, clinicians and caseworkers exhibited the same qualities: ALL were readily accessible and willing to assist in ANY way possible! Without exception everyone involved in my care/well-being made a "painful experience" a bearable one! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!

  4.0   5 years ago

I personally really liked it here at Eagleville. It is very recovery oriented and comfortable, safe, plus the foods great. My mother and father also met here and I was a product of this place lol but overall i left the tools i needed to stay clean.

  4.0   5 years ago

Good chance to recover out of this rehab. Big, qiut and busy business here.

  5.0   6 years ago

My daughter has been in rehab 17 times over 7 yrs. for heroin addiction and this is the 1st place she has ever agreed to stay long term. She has been there for 40 days now and is staying for 90 days, afterwards she is going to a halfway house. You have to remember with addiction the person has to want to stay and be open and ready for the treatment. The staff has been wonderful and she says it is the best rehab she has been in. I am very hopeful that she will actually stay clean and sober this time thanks to the treatment she has received there and HER DESIRE to recover.

  4.0   7 years ago

You have to remember they are there to help. The detox there is great! Get your health back and move on in life. You dont ever have to go back. Great life being sober. Know matter what problem you have trauma help is out there just do the foot work. I know the staff in detox. Good people. Paul, n

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